
Attendance Policy

  • 75% attendance is required for passing a course. A student with less than required attendance in theory and practical separately shall be dropped from the course, shall not be allowed to appear in the final examination of the course, and shall be awarded ‘FW’ (Forced Withdrawal).
  • Student having less than 75% class attendance in particular course will be required to repeat the course in the same semester or next year.(Or earlier if course is offered by the college)
  • The absence as a result of Late AdmissionChange of Course, or Leave will be also counted for dropping from a course.
  • In case the student remains absent from the class for seven consecutive days without approved leave his/her name shall be removed from college rolls.

Grading Policy

The course teacher will be responsible for grading a student’s performance in a course. The following grading instruments/methods will be used:

  • Test, quizzes, assignments, projects, presentations, attendance, and class participation.
  • The midterm examination shall be held eight weeks after the commencement of a semester. The final examination shall be held at the end of the semester.
  • Grade distribution in a course will be as follows;
    • Midterm Examination                                                                                                     35%
    • Final Examination                                                                                                              40%
    • Sessional (quizzes, assignments, homework, etc)                                           25%
  • The passing marks in each course shall be 50% (grade ‘D’)
  • Final projects/research thesis shall be examined by the concerned project supervisor and the College Final Project committee/office constituted for this purpose.

Grading Point Average (GPA):

Letter GradeGrade PointsMarks Obtained
F0.00Below 50

Lab Policy

  • Please come to Labs (in time).
  • There are one or two video lectures associated with each lab, uploaded on course web site. Please listen to those lectures twice before coming to lab.
  • Quizzes might be taken in class or in Labs as well so don’t miss it.
  • Content covered in Labs will come in Quizzes, Mid and Final exams.
  • Labs play important role in building concepts related to respective course and also in your grades so utilize it as much as you can.

Homework Policy

  • Grade book system details can be checked on: http://online.pucit.edu.pk .
  • Late policy for Assignment, Quizzes, and other deliverable.
    • No late Assignment submissions.
    • No late quizzes or exams.
    • Sticking to dates is your responsibility.
  • Check announcements on lecture notes and on website regularly.
  • Your best strategy is to play it safe & submit everything on time.

Grouping Policy

There will be maximum 5 and minimum 3 group members in each group. Group members will be selected by yourself. Evaluation will be done individually as you will be submitting your assignments on git so most of individual work will be evaluated from there. Putting your assignment on git will be compulsory. In case of any sort of cheating, all the members of both the groups will be equally responsible.

Cheating/Grading Policy

  • You will be guided completely for your given home tasks and assignments. For any sort of query you should consult your respective teacher of course but do not cheat.
  • Academic integrity
  • Both the cheater and the student who aided the cheater will be held responsible for the cheating
  • The instructor may take actions such as:
    • require repetition of the subject work,
    • assign ‘zero‘ or may be ‘negative’ marks for the subject work,
    • for serious offenses, assign an F grade for the course

Open Door Policy

We would like the course to run smoothly and enjoyably. Feel free to let us know what you find just, good, and interesting about the course. Let us know sooner about the reverse. See us, leave us a note, or send us email.

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